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English yoga in Konstanz & online

Yoga is my way of cultivating resilience, by strengthening the body-mind relationship and creating both mental and physical health.

In my classes emphasize is drawn to work mindfully, let the monkey mind relax, and raise self-awareness. 

We practice Vinyasa-yoga: a full-flow movement with breath, yin yoga, restorative and therapeutic yoga alongside different evidence-based exercises for raising well-being: breathing, mindfulness, self-compassion, loving-kindness, cognitive diffusion, and various meditation styles. 

I give different types of classes, from yoga-fit energizing yang classes to Yin relaxing slow flow.

Ori Harel mindfulness yoga english konstanz psychologist asana pose women Hand-to-Big Toe

Power-Yoga energizing classes

Every Monday 9:00

In Max Planck Institute/Animal Behavior.

If you want to join on-line - 

Individual sessions

Here we build your own sequences designed especially to your needs,

and tailored by your body and mind state.

It can be anywhere -

my place, yours or outdoors.

Price: 35 Euro

yoga classes
My yoga experience

My yogi Experience

Already as a teenager I was introduces to yoga, and ever since that I was captured by the repetitive movements and beautiful stretchy poses (asanas).

My journey to India in 2002 lead me deeper into the world of Hinduism, yoga traditions philosophy and meditations. 

But it wasn't until 2005 that I meet one of the most influential teachers I had - Shira Nahaloni Glixberg, who exposed me to the worlds of yoga-therapy. Since that I practice regularly and checking every studio and yoga-festival and style I can find around the globe.

For a long perios, I invested all my energies in learning and practicing how to help people in psychological ways, as a psychologist and researcher.

When I finally handed my PhD and mastered all internships, I took a long journey to California. There I learnt a Vinyasa-yoga teacher-training course, a Mindfulness-Stress-Based-Reduction course, ACT (Acceptance and commitment therapy) course, MYACT=Yoga and ACT course and many retreats at the Shivananda center, Spirit-rock and more..

Later on I took a course in Yoga-Garden, San-Francisco : Restorative yoga. This one opened my eyes to the powerful technique that allowed my own healing.

Moving to Europe allowed me to continue learning from the masters:

I took the Shiva Rae - Goddess yoga course about the moon-salutation and women empowerment.

And the "Queen of Yin": Sarah Powers, course about the yin, the yang and the Insight yoga.

My practices weave together years of experience, education as well as self-training experience, aiming to create the resilient empowered free spirit - we all deserve.


Ori Harel yoga fit yin mindfulness psychologist vashishtasana.jpeg
Shiva Rae and  אורי Ori Harel הראל in a goddess yoga workshop.jpg

Give it a try!

Here is a small practice you can try now without special preparation, clothing or accessories
Ori Harel Mindfulness Expat parent   - d

Don't climb the walls,
give me a call...

We can't do everything by ourselves – sometimes we have to reflect and be reflected, ask and be asked, learn new skills and cultivate them. I’m here to help! Sign here to schedule your time.

Tel.     +49 176 5526 1207

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